- Can be defined using single or double quotes
- Concatenation risky (unexpected type conversions leading to what you think should be a string being a number). Can use template literals instead – always a string.
- Escape character: backslash → \
- Can insert unicode character using → \u{0030} where 0030 is in hex → character 30 (Hex) / 48(Dec) → character zero
A sequence of Unicode Code Points (broadly equivalent to old-world ASCII character)
let str = “Testing”;
str.codePointAt(0); // → 84 (T)
for(const next of [...str]){ // code point of each character
let strCodePoints = [0x48, 0x49, 0x4A];
let newStr = String.fromCodePoint(...strCodePoints);
String object methods (see String)
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- startsWith
- endsWith
- includes
- substring
- slice
- split
- trim
- padStart
- padEnd
- toUpperCase
- toLowerCase
- localeCompare
- repeat
Encoding strings for URI & URI components
Template Literals
Use backtick (`) to format a string using variables – similar to C ‘printf’ function. Can be used instead of string concatenation (String1 + String2) to avoid issue with unexpected type conversions.
let myGreeting = `Hello there ${myNameVar}`
Tagged Template Literals
It is possible to mix functions and template literals. For example
const func1 = (textSection, ...values) => {
let result = textSection[0];
for(let i = 0; i < values.length ; i++){
result += `*${values[i]}*${textSection[i+1]}`;
return result;
let replaceText = “marvellous”;
const myText = func1`This is ${replaceText}. And here is ${replaceText} again.`;
the replacements text is split into “textSection” and the replacement values are swept into an array values by the “spread operator”. This would give the output:
This is *marvellous*. And here is *marvellous* again.
There is a special tagged template literal used to ignore backslashes:
const out = String.raw`c:\users\noddy`
This would not escape the ‘u’ or ‘n’. Note that it does not ignore backticks, ${, ` and {.
Regular Expressions
Special characters
- . matches any one character
- * previous item can be present 0, 1 or more times
- + previous item can be present 1 or more times (must be present at least once)
- ? previous item is optional (present 0 or 1 times)
- | lists alternatives. a|b|c would match a or b or c.
- () groups items together. “.(e|a).” would match mat and met but not meat.
- [] encapsulates character classes, such as [0-9], [kK], [A-Za-z]
- ^ can be the compliment (i.e. [^0-9] includes all characters except numeric zero to nine) it also indicates the start of a text.
- $ indicates the end of the text
Predefined characters
- \d digits
- \s white space
- \w word characters
- \D non-digits
- \S non white space
- \W non word characters
- \u{pppp} Unicode code point pppp
A regulator expression literal is enclosed in slash characters rather than quotes
let myRegEx = /[0-9]+Q/
is a regular expression for any number of digits terminated by the letter Q.
myRegEx.test(“AAA12345Q”); // → true
If the regular expression was
let myRegEx = /^[0-9]+Q$/
myRegEx.test(“AAA12345Q”); // → false because there is an A after the start (“^”).
/[0-9]+Q/.exec(“AAA12345Q”); // → an array with one entry, 12345Q, which matches the regular expression