The original File object
File myFile = new File(“/path/to/file”);
Methods: delete(), exists(), getAbsolutePath(), getName(), getParent, isDirectory(), isFile(), lastModified(), length(), listFiles(), mkdir(), mkdirs(), renameTo()
File Separator
Stream vs Reader vs Writer
- bytes → stream
- characters → reader/writer
- FileInputStream
- FilterInputStream
- BufferedInputStream
- ObjectInputStream
methods: close(), read(), read(byte[] b), read(byte[] b, offset, length), markSupported(), mark(readLimit), reset(), skip(n)
- FileOutputStream
- FilterOutputStream
- BufferedOutputStream
- PrintStream
- ObjectOutputStream
methods: close(), write(int), write(byte[] b), write(byte[] b, offset, length), flush()
- BufferedReader
- InputStreamReader
- FileReader
methods: close(), read(), read(char[] b), read(char[] b, offset, length), markSupported(), mark(readLimit), reset(), skip(long n), readLine() in BufferedReader
- BufferedWriter
- OutputStreamWriter
- FileWriter
- PrintWriter
methods: close(), write(int), write(char[] b), write(char[] b, offset, length), flush(), newLine() in BufferedWriter
Raw Streams
while( (b = ) != -1 ){
// “in” → input stream (b = bytes) or reader (b = char)
// “out” → output stream (b = bytes) or writer (b = char)
Buffered Streams (Reader / Writer, use char instead of byte)
byte[] bArray = new byte[256];
while( (lenRead = ) > 0 ){
out.write(bArray, 0, lenRead);
String nextLineStr;
while ( ( nextLineStr = buffReader.nextLine() ) != null ){
Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(myInputStream);
String nextLine = myScanner.nextLine();
format & printf methods work similar to printf in ‘C’.
- %s – any type, string values
- %d – integer / long
- %f – float / double
- %n – new line
- %f – 6 digit post decimal
- %.1f – 1 digit post decimal, rounded, not truncated
- %12.8 – 12 total digits, 8 post decimal, leading space
- %012.8 – 12 total digits, 8 post decimal, leading zero
Console I/O
- System.out
- System.err
- Console.readLine();
- Console.writer().printf();
- Console.reader();
Path: a new version of File.
Path myPath = Paths.get(“dir1”, “dir2”, “filename”); //→ /dir1/dir2/filename
Path myPath = Paths.get(new URI(“file//myFile.txt”) );
Path myPath = Path.of(“dir1”, “dir2”, “filename”); //→ /dir1/dir2/filename
Path myPath = Path.of(“/dir1/dir2/filename”); //→ /dir1/dir2/filename
Path myPath = myFile.toPath();
Path methods: getNameCount(), getName(nameCnt),subPath(start,end), getFileName(), getParent(), getRoot(), isAbsolute(), toAbsolutePath(),
path1.resolve(path2); // get me to path2 from path1
path1.relative(path2) ;
path1.normalize(); // use with equals()
path1.toRealPath(); // follow symbolic links
Methods: exists(), isSameFile(), createDirectory(), createDirectories(), copy(), move(), delete(), deleteIfExists(), isDirectory(), isSymbolicLink(), isRegularFile(), isHidden(), isReadable(), isWritable(), isExecutable(), size()
Traversing directories using Streams
- Files.list(); → Stream<Path>
- Files.walk(); → Stream<Path>
- Files.find(); → Stream<Path>
- Files.lines(filePath); → a stream of the lines of a file
File Attributes (chmod style attributes)
BasicFileAttributes myAttr = Files.readAttributes(thePath, BasicFileAttributes.class);
// read only
BasicFileAttributesView myAttrView
= Files.getFileAttributeView(thePath, BasicFileAttributesView.class);
// view is updateable
Each serializable object should
- have a private static final long serialVersionUID [ default = 1l];
- implement marker interface serializable
- every member should itself be serializable or null
- (members with ‘transient’ modifier will not be serialized)
OutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(myFileOutStream);
InputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(myFileInStream);
Object myObjToBeCast = in.readObject();
On rehydration
- no constructors or initialisation
- no-arg constructor of first non-serializable parent called