Cryptography and Encryption


Primary hash algorithms

  • MD5 – Insecure
  • SHA (aka SHA-0) – Insecure
  • SHA-1 – Insecure
  • SHA-2 – Becoming insecure (avoid SHA-224 & SHA-256, use SHA-512/224 or SHA-512/256 where possible)
  • SHA-3 – Secure

Password Storage

  • Passwords must never be stored in-the-clear, must be at least salted & hashed
  • “Key stretching” adds additional complexity to the hashing process (e.g. multiple iterations, encryptions etc)
  • Three leading key stretching algorithms used with passwords: Bcrypt, PBKDF2, Argon2

Symmetric Encryption

  • Symmetric encryption can only be used where both sender and receiver have a shared key
  • Much more efficient than asymmetric encryptions
  • Block cipher (splits data into blocks) vs Stream cipher (encrypts streams of data one bit at a time)
  • Stream cipher more efficient than block cipher for continuous data but a key must never be reused

Common symmetric algorithms

  • DES – original US government approved encryption algorithm (1977). Only 56 bit key strength. Deprecated in 1999.
  • Triple DES – Multiple iterations of DES with two 56 bit keys. Overall 112 bit security. Deprecated in 2023.
  • AES – US government approved encryption algorithm (2001). Multiple key length options: 128, 192, 256 bits.
  • Blowfish – block cipher with key lengths from 32 to 448 bits. Blowfish uses 64 bit blocks, a similar algorithm, Twofish uses 128 bit blocks.

Asymmetric Encryption

  • Asymmetric encryption is required where the sender and receiver do not have a shared key.
  • Typically asymmetric encryption is only used to pass an ephemeral (one-time-use) key with the main transmission being done using the more efficient symmetric encryption.
  • Requires access to cryptographically strong (unpredictable) random numbers for ephemeral keys

Common asymmetric algorithms

  • Diffie-Hellman key exchange
  • ElGamal – based on Diffie-Hellman
  • RSA – normally used in SSL/TLS – 1024 bit keys deprecated 2010, 2048 bit keys expected to be deprecated 2030, 4096 bit keys from then on
  • Elliptic curve cryptography – used by lower power devices